Schütz Landmaschinen OHG
: 0049-(0)9451-942610     : 0049-(0)9451-942611
Schütz Landmaschinen OHG
: 0049-(0)9451-942610     : 0049-(0)9451-942611
Currently there are 92 Machines in the Database
Last update: 27.07.2024

click to sort → Model год выпуска Price
n.A. ₴ 136.257 (without VAT)
₴ 136.998
n.A. ₴ 462.923 (without VAT)
₴ 465.441
2016 ₴ 43.672 (without VAT)
₴ 43.910
Liebherr Biogas Motor
[Int. Nr. 15606]  
n.A. ₴ 139.750 (without VAT)
₴ 140.510
Hitch 924, 926, 930
[Int. Nr. 14845]  
2004 ₴ 35.841 (without VAT)
₴ 36.036
Kultivator Front u. Heck
[Int. Nr. 15715]  
n.A. ₴ 22.709 (without VAT)
₴ 22.833
[Int. Nr. 15119]  
n.A. ₴ 33.763 (without VAT)
₴ 33.947

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